Pack Your Car It's Your Mobile Home

If there's anything about LA that's LA, it's traffic.  So now imagine this.  The Big One hits and all of us are stuck on the freeway with nothing to eat, no water, no blankets, and the roads are so broken up no one can move to get away or bring supplies.  People start eating each other right away.


Now imagine this:  The Big One hits, but everyone has been ready for it for months.  After the shock subsides, you and everyone around you pops their trunk to reveal, food, water, blankets, pillows, first aid, battery powered boom-boxes, flashlights, heck, TENTS.  It's an impromptu camping trip on the freeway!  You know some emergency extremists will have coolers stocked with cold beer. . .Other will unfold their portable bikes and take an inventory of the damage.  And because everyone's tweeting their post-quake status instead of clogging up the cell phone network with calls, the bike monitors can call in status reports to. . .the EOB (Emergency Operations Board).

I need to go to bed.